Is Decluttering Necessary?

Are you listing a property to sell?  One needs to make it easy for the potential buyers to envision themselves in the space – not focusing on all of your stuff.

Is my Home in need of Decluttering?

Yes!   Every new listing, that is not empty, must go through a stage of decluttering; which would be the removal of accumulated clutter of the current owner.  It is not a stage of emptying out the space completely, simply allowing for potential buyers to be able to see how they could be living/using that space.

How to start the process of Decluttering?

A room or space that is over-personalized makes it difficult for potential buyers to see themselves in the space. 

A great place to start would be to glance over the room, notice all the personalized items; as in: photographs, children’s toys, dog bed/cat scratching posts, etc…  From there you roll up your sleeves & get to packing up the personal items & put them in storage. 

Once all the major personalized items are packed, move on to surfaces.  Meaning table tops, counter tops, coffee tables, night stands, bathroom counters (to name a few, but the list would go on)  Clearing off surface space will show more of the space – oftentimes, subconsciously triggering a prospective buyer to think the space is larger.

Do I empty the property completely?

Emptying the property is a decision that is to be made with a number of considerations. 

If you do not have to empty the space completely, simply leave the main staples to show what the room will look like or be used for. As in, leave a dining room table in the formal dining room to show what the space would be used for.

If the space is empty, another option would be to get it virtually staged.  It will allow the potential buyers to envision the space without having to see what is not there.

If you are interested in trying virtual staging or would like more information? Please do comment below or contact us – we would love to be of service!

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